Talk:「様相実在論・過激派」 “Modal Realism: The Radical”

When: 20190622 10:00–10:40 Where: 京都大学 アメリカ哲学フォーラム第六回大会 What: 要旨 Language: 日本語

Talk: “In Search of Lost Spaces: Endo’s way”

When: 20190624 12:00–13:00 For what: Casual lunch meeting (for detail, contact the organizer and/or me. ) Where: Kyoto University What: TBA Language: English

Talk: “Logics Probe: A Methodological Bridge between Logics and Metaphysics”

When: 20190626 17:00–18:30 Where: Liberal Arts and Sciences Main Building C41, 4th Floor For what: NAGOYA META-PHILOSOPHY WORKSHOP What: TBA Language: English